
  • Reflecting on 2021
    At the beginning of the 2021, I started to consider what kind of goal I could set for myself in the outdoors. Having only ever set running goals and not knowing where to begin for setting a larger goal in a different environment, I began to weigh a few options against each other. Did I want to pursue a specific number of high peaks? Finish summits...
  • Hiking Your First Winter Peak
    With calendar winter quickly approaching, I find it helpful to reflect on what worked for me last snowflake season and what definitely didn’t. Although we might not get as much snow this upcoming season with it being a la niña year here in Colorado, it's always important to consider the essentials when evaluating backcountry winter travel. The fol...
  • Summiting My Winter White Whale
    trip reports
    In the fall of 2020, The Year of the Pandemic, I was let go from my role as a software engineer. With a sudden onslaught of free time and raging burnout, I made the choice to start pursuing high peaks in the winter. December was rough as I got familiar with my snowshoes and the brutal conditions that winter summits demanded. I bought my first pair...
  • Packing for a 14er
    I'm incredibly embarrassed to admit it, but I used to think you could get away with little to no gear on a hike in Colorado. On my first hike after moving here in the summer of 2016, I carried a heavy insulated bottle and _nothing else_ up to Saint Mary's Glacier as my first hike at altitude, ever. Things have definitely changed in the 5+ years si...